I've watched the help video on layout pages and it's really easy to follow in order to create a new layout page with my company logo and address etc. What I am looking for is a default layout page similar to the one already used by the party wizard, where it puts in a piece from the furniture, view and VR modules and links them all together. I've noticed that when I create my own layouts from scratch I can't get them to link together in this way, when I make changes in the furnish module they aren't updated in the VR module unless I started from a layout page generated by the party wizard.
Is it possible to get the same layout page effect, with all the pieces on that page drawing from the information in the furnish module to update themselves? If I could get a template established with these images, then the look of each project would be consistent in terms of layout. I'm not sure I could replicate the position of each image by eye every time.
It's just occurred to me that one solution may be to create a party using the party wizard called "template", and organize everything to my liking in there. I could then copy that project every time I want a new one of that type and change what is furnished in it.
Art on pages is updated when a page is loaded into the Layout Page module, if you are working in an Automatic project. Once a project is loaded and you are at the Main Menu, if there is a button labeled "A" just below then Project Select button, then the project is an automatic one. You could click the "A" button to make the project "Manual" and turn off this behavior, but Automatic projects are the default.
Perhaps what you don't realize is that the art is only updated when Layout Page is loading a page. Changing a arrangement by clicking Furnish a Plan from the Main Menu will not cause related pictures to change immediately. Only when a page containing the modified arrangement is loaded will PartyCAD take the time to update related art.
As to setting up your own page, there are two ways to go.
1. Use the Party Wizard and select any party, make the desired changes and then save the revised party as a new one into the Party Wizard. The Introducing PartyCAD video shows an example of this.
2. A second way to go is:
- Start a new project using Project Select from the Main Menu
- Use Furnish a Plan to set up an arrangement of furniture, then make pictures of this using the View a Plan and the Virtual Reality module.
- Use Layout a Page to create the page you desire: adding your logo, any standard text, and loading the arrangement and art you created above.
- Save this page and return to the Main Menu. If you like, you can then reenter Layout a Page and make sure that a right click on the plan takes you to Furnish, and that upon clicking Return, your art is updated. It should work that way without any further fuss on your part.
- The final step is to click the Party Wizard button on the Main Menu and then click the big "Add Current Project to the Party Wizard" button at the lower left of the first Party Wizard menu. Once you have done this, your custom party will be include in the Party Wizard list of available parties and can be used as the basis for any future event.