One of the least used capabilities of PartyCAD is its ability to export information about your design as a .LIS file. This has seemed like a good idea to some people over the years and so the basic capability was added to the program. However, no other software that I am aware of has ever done much with these files.
Here is how to set things up and export a list file... in the Design Editor, once your design is complete, you can:
1. Click Options > Job Data > Customer to set a customer name
2. Click Options > Job Data > Transaction set a transaction number.
3. Click File > Export Furniture List to export an ASCII .LIS file containing the above information followed by a list of the piece names of the furniture used in the design… one line per piece… each line consisting of:
Name, Width, Depth, Height
Here is a sample showing contents of a Test.lis file:
SBC Version 1.00
CUSTOMER:Hank Hufnagel
It is expected that the “receiving” software will complete the processing of this data.