Clicking on in the Draw Lines menu brings up the Draw Figure menu. Here you can select from a variety of drawn figures that can be added to your page. Box is by far the most useful.
Begin by selecting the desired figure and following the instructions that appear at the left of the screen:
Draw Box - click on two opposite corners of the box and an initial version of the box will appear. You can then drag the two box handles to adjust the box to perfection. Hold down Shift to stop the program from snapping to nearby points. When ready, click OK to add the box to your page. To terminate the drawing without adding the box to the page, click Cancel.
Other Figures
The buttons below draw circles and arcs. These are not true circles and arcs, but approximates made from a series of straight-line segments. Depending on the number of segments you choose, these commands can make triangles, squares, octagons or anything up to 60-sided figures that look very much like true circles. The number of sides in a figure is controlled by a Segments box, which appears after the initial figure has been drawn.
Center-Radius Circle - first click where the center of the circle is to be placed, then click a point that lies on the radius of the circle. An initial version of the circle will appear on the screen. You can then drag the two circle handles to adjust this to perfection. Hold down Shift to stop the program from snapping to nearby points. When ready, click OK to add the circle to your page. To terminate the drawing without adding the circle to the page, click Cancel.
Diameter Circle - click two points that lie directly across the center of the circle from each. An initial version of the circle will appear. Now, proceed as with a Center-Radius circle.
3-Point Circle - click three points that lie on the circle. An initial version of the circle will appear on the screen. Now, proceed as with a Center-Radius circle.
Arc - first click the beginning and ending points of the arc, then click the middle point which will control the curvature of the arc. Now, proceed as with a Center-Radius circle.